Lincoln Guild of the Catholic Medical Association

In order to grow in our understanding of the moral and ethical principles of our Catholic Faith, we seek to engage and live our call to holiness, to grow in our love of God, and to support one another as faithful Catholics.

About Us


The Catholic Medical Association was created in order to help medical professionals grow in the spirit of Christ, to bring His Spirit to all touched by our science and art, and to assist the Vicar of Christ, the Bishops, and the whole Christian community with leadership, especially with the particular knowledge, skill, and experience we have as Christian healthcare providers. We are excited to grow on this journey to heaven with you all!

Prayer for Catholic Physicians

Lord Jesus,
Divine Physician, who in your earthly life showed special concern for those who suffer and entrusted
to your disciples the ministry of healing, make us ever ready to alleviate the trials of our brethren.
Make each one of us, aware of the great mission that is entrusted to him, strive always to be, in the
performance of daily service, an instrument of your merciful love. Enlighten our minds, guide our
hands, make our hearts diligent and compassionate. Ensure that in every patient we know how to
discern the features of your divine Face.
You who are the Way, provide us with the gift of knowing how to imitate you every day as medical
doctors not only of the body but of the whole person, helping those who are sick to tread with trust
their own earthly path until the moment of their encounter with You.
You who are the Truth, provide us with the gift of wisdom and science in order to penetrate the
mystery of man and his transcendent destiny as we draw near to him in order to discover the cause
of his malady and find suitable remedies for it.
You who are the Life, provide us with the gift of preaching and bearing witness to the ‘Gospel of
life’ in our profession, committing ourselves to defending it always, from conception to its natural
end, and to respect the dignity of every human being, and especially the dignity of the weakest and
the most in need.
Make us O Lord, Good Samaritans, ready to welcome, treat, and console those we encounter in our
work. Following the example of the holy medical doctors who have preceded us, help us to offer our
generous contribution to the constant renewal of health care structures.
Bless our studies and our profession, enlighten our research and our teaching. Lastly, grant to us,
having constantly loved and served You in our suffering brethren, that at the end of our earthly
pilgrimage we may contemplate your glorious countenance and experience the joy of the encounter
with You in your Kingdom of joy and everlasting peace.
John Paul II. 29 June 2000

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Become a member of the National Catholic Medical Association

The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is the largest association of Catholic individuals in health care. We help our members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church.