2024 Guild Officers
Dr. Arthur Grinstead, MD President
Dr. Carla Ericksen, OD Secretary
Dr. Casey Bowen, MD Board Member
Dr. Suzanne Vandenhul, MD Board Member
Dotti Easter, RN Board Member
Fr. Dan Rayer Chaplain
Patron Saint: St. Guiseppe Moscati

“Only one science is unshakeable and unshaken, the one revealed by God, the science of the
hereafter! In all your works, look to Heaven, to the eternity of life and of the soul, and orient yourself
then much differently from the way that merely human considerations might suggest, and your
activity will be inspired for the good.” ~St. Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927)
The Lincoln Guild’s Patron Saint is Giuseppe Moscati, who studied medicine at a time when agnostic
and amoralism was prominent. He was determined to bring Christ into his work and kept steadfast
in his studies despite the struggle as he noted in his notes, “Love the Truth, and show others who
you are; without embarrassment, without fear and regard for the consequences. And if the truth
costs you persecution, you must accept it, as even torment you must embrace. And if for the sake of
Truth you have to sacrifice yourself and your life, you will be strong in the sacrifice.”
As a medical practitioner, medical professor, and hospital administrator, St. Giuseppe believed he
was called to minister to the sick by treating “not only bodies, but also souls, with counsel that
appeals to their minds and hearts rather than with cold prescriptions to be sent in to the pharmacist.”
He placed himself before the presence of God before examining patients or conducting research,
and encouraged patients to receive the sacraments before surgery. St. Giuseppe Moscati Pray for