Nebraska Catholic Nurses Guild

Mission Statement
We exist to nurture the call to authentic discipleship as a Catholic nurse through living a Eucharistic spirituality, imitating our Lady’s missionary spirit and being faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. By doing this, we live the call to care for the whole person: spirit, mind and body.
Eucharistic Spirituality: By being rooted in an intimate relationship with Jesus through prayer and the sacraments we receive our identity as beloved sons and daughters and from this, the calling to “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father.” -Mt 5:16
Missionary Spirit: We strive to live our of our identity by bringing Jesus’ Eucharistic Heart to each patient encounter, helping them to come to know the love God has for them and heeding the call of Christ to “go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” -Mk 16:15
Education: We seek to practice our profession as nurses as faithful Catholics by following the Catholic ERDs as established by the USCCB and helping to foster a deeper understanding of the Church’s ethical and social teachings, obeying the words of Christ who is “the way, the truth and the life.” -Jn 14:6